Hilton Hotels Group

3 brands


Hilton Hotels Group
Conrad Hotels & Resorts, a standout in Hilton's luxury portfolio, redefines modern luxury with a tailored approach. Designed especially for leisure travelers, Conrad seamlessly combines unique style with attention to detail. The experience starts right when you book—Conrad's service both anticipates your needs and offer unparalleled customization. Imagine having the option to select from three unique bathroom amenity sets or choose from 14 different pillows. The choices don't just end there; even the smallest elements at the Template Spa are customizable, guaranteeing that your stay unfolds exactly as you want it to. Although accommodation services already satisfied most of the needs, Conrad doesn't stop providing. It also aims to arrange a full cultural experience without needing to step out of the hotel. Outdoor activities, cultural gems, or local cuisine—every aspect is planned for the perfection of bringing the local atmosphere straight to you. Moreover, Conrad Concierge Service provides the external service for customers. From securing a table at high-end restaurant, arranging transport to creating a custom experience, this service ensures your travel experience is unique. Choose Conrad, enjoy a full range of smart services. Start from the details, make zero compromise during traveling.


Hilton Hotels Group
In the world of luxury hotels, LXR Hotels & Resorts stands out as a gallery of unique gems. These aren't just places to sleep; they're settings for rich, immersive experiences. Each hotel is steeped in the culture and history of its locale. Whether it's the tranquil atmosphere of ROKU KYOTO or the endless ocean blues in Seychelles, every LXR hotel tells its own story. This distinctiveness is evident in all aspects of your stay. From thoughtfully designed rooms to locally inspired menus, the attention to detail is unparalleled. Even the welcoming smiles from staff reflect the brand's commitment to authentic hospitality. Moreover, LXR elevates the guest experience by offering tailor-made cultural activities. Be it hot-air ballooning over scenic vistas or an intimate cooking session with a renowned local chef, each activity is carefully curated to capture the essence of the destination. Engaging in these activities transforms you from a normal tourist to a true explorer. What's impressive is how effortlessly this all comes together. Nothing here feels forced or uncomfortable. Rather, every aspect immerses guests into a fluid, enriching journey. The special part of LXR offers a feeling that exceeds the material, touching the deepest part of the mind. It reminds us that traveling a chance to self-discover and gain a deeper understanding of the world.

Waldorf Astoria

Hilton Hotels Group
Some names seem destined to make history and become the symbols that transcend times, Waldorf Astoria is one of them. Synonymous with luxury and excellence, it originated from two members of the Astor family who each built their own luxury hotels. United by a 300 meters grand corridor, "Peacock Alley," the two hotels combined to form one of the most iconic brands, known as the Waldorf Astoria. After the union, the name became a touchstone for global high class. Attracting not only the royal family but also luminaries from various fields -Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra, to name a few. Their presence contributed to the hotel's glamorous and somewhat enigmatic aura. On the culinary front, it has set standards too, particularly with the creation of the Waldorf Salad by Oscar Tschirky, which still enjoys a prime place on many menus today. Nowadays, Waldorf Astoria goes beyond a hotel brand and becomes a cultural icon. It has weathered a century of change yet continues to shine. Here, history is made every moment, and art is in every detail. Just like the Peacock Alley that linked the two hotels, it serves as a metaphorical bridge between epochs, guiding guests through a timeless legend.

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